Hattie’s Upholstery

This building has been closed for a long time and the only info I can find on it is the first guy’s bio at this site. The building, to me, represents what Tallahassee’s south side looks like. Its brick and old fashioned lettering is what this little city once was: industrious.

Welcome to Tallahassee, Florida’s Capital

Hail! And welcome to the newest Daily Photo blog for good ol’ Tallahassee, Florida.

The city was made official in 1824 when a log cabin was erected for the capitol building. Rebuilt in 1845, the Old Capitol building stands in the center of town and is recognizable by all. The city is best known for not only being the governing seat for the state, but for its rich history and institutions of higher learning.

With roughly 200,000 people, Tallahassee possesses some features of bigger cities while still retaining the small town feel.

The first photo I shall feature is a blending of the old and new capitols (old being in the foreground) the last time my son visited for a field trip: