Built, baby, etc

I apologize for my lack of posting; I am waiting for labor to begin and it’s got me entirely distracted.

I did have time to  notice the excellent architecture of the Diffenbaugh building this morning though. For all the days I walk past FSU buildings, I am still always in awe


.2013-07-29 08.05.32

Subliminal message?

These new cans have been dotting the FSU campus for about a year now. I find it interesting that the trash can says “landfill.’ It only just occurred to me the other day that perhaps by reminding users of the destination of their refuse, we may consider what we throw out and maybe try to recycle a little more.

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Little yellow ones

Being 28 weeks pregnant, I have to get up frequently. Sometimes I take a walk down the road away from my building and out around Dodd hall. On the far side of the massive brick building, near the faculty parking lot, is this area where flowers appear to be growing. Though FSU does landscaping all over campus, I want to believe these occur naturally.

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Quiet campus

When it’s Spring Break on FSU’s campus, it’s exceedingly quiet. Peaceful even. This is the corridor/breezeway between the Williams and Diffenbaugh buildings. I sat outside in the bright sun for a bit to warm up and got this shot. Normally, there are kids swarming this area.

Tree Thursday (I made that theme up)

I couldn’t find a Thursday theme through CityDailyPhoto so I made this one up. FSU’s campus has a number of really exquisite tress that astound me. I marvel to think at how many students have walked past them, taken refuge under their branches during the hot summer months, or even sat below them talking to a potential mate.